Worship Resources: December 1, 2019

Advent 1 Year 2

Color: Blue
Closest RCL Sunday(s): Advent 1C
Readings: Promise of the Messiah Jeremiah 33:14-18 (Mark 8:27-29)
Prayer of the Day (Working Preacher): God of the promised Messiah,as we wait for the fulfillment of your promise, we watch, we listen, and we open our hearts for your Word. Show us signs of your presence: a light in the darkness, a voice in the silence, and a stirring deep within us. Amen.
Other Resources: WorkingPreacher, re:Worship, TextWeek

Suggested hymns based on the texts:

ELW #779. Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound
ELW #250. Blessed Be the God of Israel
ELW #245 Creator of the Stars of Night
ELW #257. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
ELW #254 Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus
ELW #769. If You But Trust in God to Guide You
ELW #311. Hail to the Lord’s Anointed
ELW #246 Hark! A Thrilling Voice is Sounding
ELW #253 He Came Down
ELW #435 Lo! He Come with Clouds Descending
ELW #323 O Lord of Light, Who Made the Stars
ELW #248 People Look East
ELW #263 Savior of the Nations, Come
ELW #262 Wait for the Lord
ELW #487 What Feast of Love
LBW #16. I Will Sing the Story of Your Love
LBW #31 Wake, Awake, for Night is Flying
Various Hymnals The Days Are Surely Coming (2009) by David Gambrell
Various Hymnals O Day of God, Draw Nigh (1972) by R. B. Y. Scott
Various Hymnals I’ve Got Peace Like a River
Various Hymnals The Promise of the Lord (2009) by F. Richard Garland
Various Hymnals Sing Praise to the God of Israel (1992) by Stephen P. Starke
Various Hymnals When God Restored Our Common Life (1992) by Ruth C. Duck
(ELW=Evangelical Lutheran Worship; LBW=Lutheran Book of Worship; WOV=With One Voice)

Other (mostly contemporary) options:
Light Of The World” By Matt Redman.
Love Has Come” By Brown Bannister, Mark Schultz, et al.
Mighty to Save” By Ben Fielding, Reuben Morgan.
Shout to the Lord” By Darlene Zschech.
More options here.
Prayers of Intercession:

(Introduction and Conclusion from Revised Common Lectionary Prayers, copyright © 2002)

We seek the mighty God in the most unlikely places as a child in a stable, and in an empty tomb. May God hear these prayers, which come from the unlikely corners of our lives.

A brief silence.

Help the church and its leaders, O God, in its proclamation that Jesus is the Savior of the world. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Bring life out of death, O God, and restore creation to vitality and wholeness. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Work through governments, O God, that they might better execute justice and righteousness in all lands. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Fulfill your promises, O God, to bring release to the captive, whatever their captivity may be. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Heal the sick and comfort the dying, O God, work through all involved in the care of others. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Bless with congregation, O God, with boldness to say that our righteousness is found in Christ alone. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Here other intercessions may be offered.

We give you thanks, O God, for all your saints and the witness they bore to us and the world. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Give us ears to hear, O God, and eyes to watch, that we may know your presence in our midst during this holy season of joy as we anticipate the coming of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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